Lawyers, Broadcasters, and Bloggers -- Oh My! Last week I got a chance to talk to a number of people at a Legal Marketing Association event . If you’re not a lawyer, or if you are a Web 2.0 geek, that p...
Newspapers Striving to Evolve There’s been a lot of interesting writing about the evolution of the newspaper industry lately, especially in the face of the rising popularity of social media...
News Flash: Spam Is Bad! Okay, you probably don’t need to be told that spam is bad. But you might find it interesting to learn about the economy that’s sprung up around blog spam. Good...
Do blogs really have an impact? We’ve got another chance for the mainsream press to either laud or dismiss blogs, and I’m curious to see how it turns out. The thing to note is that, for these...
Continuing the Conversation I take it back , people do sometimes leave good comments. I’m thrilled with the comments on “A Malcolm and a Martin” , as well as the conversations on othe...
That's good blog! When I’m not able to be a good blogger myself, I rely on the kindness of others. Let’s see what’s out there! Snarkout, one of the finest blogs on the web, ha...
YHBT HAND 2.0 Ha, ha, I could have sworn I went away for a week and while I was gone the biggest thing that happened in the tech blogosphere was that people were arguing ove...
Denial of Service Attack Against Six Apart If you’re looking for information on the distributed denial of service attacks against Six Apart , we’ve got some posts up, along with the LiveJournal and...
The Ultimate Commenting Experience I have this theory about a radical improvement in user experience that could be made for any website that allows comments to be submitted by readers. Especiall...
Guesting at Kottke Though Jason demanded asked me to contribute to his site a while ago, I’ve been remiss in actually posting links. However, if you bop on over to y...
Hooray Blogs! I usually don’t do overt plugs for work stuff on my personal blog, but I’m pretty excited about a small event we’re doing here in San Francisco. It’s the first...
Me Me Me Me Now, if I were a good blogger, I’d write posts about subjects that I know nothing about. But I am a rank amateur, so I will focus on my area of expertise: me....
Squee! Back when I first joined Six Apart, the main thing that made me really believe in what we did was that I saw that blogs could change people’s lives for the bet...
Do you love words? I sure do love words. And even better, my friends do too. So they make great websites and books about it. Mark made Neologasm , which I am very partial to bec...
Alt Weeklies, San Francisco, Curiosity, and Bullshit I was startled by this phenomenally wrong-headed editorial in the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Tim Redmond exposes his insecurities by arguing that Craig Newm...
How (Blogging) Awards Work Every few days, I get sent a link to someone who’s running a blogging awards contest. Sometimes it’s for all blogs, and other times it’s focused on a specific...
It's Good To Have Friends What was that about how people are emotional about the social software they use? Today was a pretty rough day, with a long painful downtime for TypePad, and I...
Blog Songs Playlist Since I’ve, uh, cornered the market on blogging about blog songs, I’m contractually obligated to link to Gawk At This , the Gawker rap track by The Assimila...
Two Malcolms from Two Magazines I love magazines. Love, love, love. They’re full of short, frequently-updated content and they make good use of layout and pictures: that’s what I love in a me...
GoogleBombs, Three Years Later We’re three (or more) years into the blogosphere’s love for GoogleBombs, and here’s another story on them. I’m glad I at least got to throw in a little quote...
I'm Huge in Japan My not-very-secret ulterior motive for being such a big fan of Six Apart’s strong international presence has been the promise that our overseas efforts will re...
Movable Type 3.2 is out! Holy cow! Movable Type 3.2 is finally released, after tons and tons of hard work by the whole team. I’m always excited when we release new stuff at Six Apa...
Why Is My Blog So Ugly? Donnie asks , “But why is your blog soooo damn ugly man?” And the answer is, because I am a lousy designer. I’ll probably be updating the site to use the s...
Six Years of Blogging I guess I should have caught this back on the 20th of last month, but I’ve been blogging here for six years . And living in San Francisco for a year now. I do...
Visiting IntentBlog This is a little outside my area of expertise, but that’s why I thought it might be interesting: I’ve just posted over on IntentBlog , a relatively new blog s...
Don't Be a Bad Pitcher! Helllllo, PR Peoples. Like a lot of bloggers, I get pitched from time to time by people who want me to talk about their products. It’s been a few years since...
MIT Weblog Survey Cam Marlow ‘s at it again, not content just to give us Blogdex for free for years, but working on the MIT Weblog Survey to collect data about that blog...
Torrez Takes a Leap Congratulations to Andre for doing something fun and new and slightly risky. I’d already had a good opinion of FMPub based on John Battelle’s reputation, b...
Social Hacking While I’m really glad that smart people like Tim O’Reilly and Chris Anderson are enjoying t-shirt media hack , I’m realizing that the really terrifying thing...
Helping Save the Internet Last week, I was contributing to Jason Kottke’s Remaindered Links, unleashing some of my now-rusty Daily Links skills on Jason’s unsuspecting audience. As Jas...
Nice Guys Finish First Nick Bradbury makes great apps , but better than that, he’s a thoughful and articulate person. In having a conversation about politics, he’s able to say "...
Interview with George SFist did a nice interview ith my friend George Kelly that I think is worth reading. George tends to have good ideas a few months before the rest of us figur...
I am not an Idleword Macropatron Sorry, Maciej, but I am unable to assist in your Macropatronage effort . Fortunately, I have a very good excuse ....
The Blog Cycle The basic format of the weblog medium has been pretty much set for more than 5 years now, and it’s enough time that we can probably make some safe observations...
Nobody has ever been fired for blogging Those of us who care a lot about blogs are having to do a lot of work to get the truth out there about the relationship between blogs and employment. Tim Bray...
I'm a micropatron On Tuesday, Jason Kottke announced that he was devoting himself full-time to working on maintaining his weblog, and asking for his readers to support him fin...
The Grey Lady Blogs I find it kinda cool that today I was in the New York Times talking about the business potential of weblogs and today the New York Times became the biggest...
We make websites, too Since I didn’t design it and only helped a little bit in building it, I can give the team my unfettered praise: The new Six Apart site looks great. Nice work...
Please, Tangle With Us " Some quick background research on the CBS Memo scandal, the resignation of The New York Times Executive Editor Howell Raines, or the recent resignation...
Non-Blogger Fired For Blogging! As always, a useful perspective from Rebecca , this time on Eason Jordan: It is a collision of expectations that is at the root of the whole incident. The...
Hype Rears Its Ugly Head. Again. I wasn’t at the conference, so I can’t comment on the specifics that Jack Shafer references, but I’m finding it hard to disagree with anything that’s written i...
Gina at the Beeb Hey, cool, Gina ‘s post about fixing her mother-in-law’s computer made the BBC website . I was spending those same few days doing some very similar tasks, so...
Blogdex is 0wn3d Right now, eight of the top ten links on blogdex are about Six Apart and LiveJournal. We’re like the Usher and Alicia Keys of the Blogdex Top Ten. Huge! To...
Goodbye San Mateo Six Apart moved into our new offices today, and though he doesn’t blog often, he gets it right when he does: Ben covers my thoughts exactly . I’ll be spending...
I had a great half year Jason says my blog is almost as good as his . I agree! Also, check out all the good sites he mentions. It’s quite telling that Jason’s done a best links of 2...
Wishlist Art Besides being super cool, the new TypePad wishlist feature generates these beautiful tiled thumbnail versions of your wishlist images that just seem like art...
Waxy for President! Okay, not President, but Editor in Chief. Wired News (the online arm, not the print magazine) is looking to hire a new EiC . I think they should hire Andy Ba...
More on Sony v. Kottke Continuing coverage of all the Spoilergate controversy: From the Red Herring, [And the question is, ‘Who is a big bully?’](
Rather Good Tom Watson’s take on Dan Rather’s resignation seems exactly right to me. Be careful the gloating you do and the negativity you celebrate, because they’ll be...
jjg is back! Five years to the day after he stopped blogging, thus becoming the first person to dramatically exit the blogosphere, Jesse James Garrett has resurrected hi...
Trying to calm irrational bloggers Matt talks about being at the helm of a shitstorm : "I’d hate to see blogs get known for reactionary authors". I think it may be too late. Having...
Microsoft gets blogging Neowin, which is probably the most popular site for Windows groupies, leaked screenshots of MSN Desktop Search , as is their wont. What surprises me is that I...
Work in Progress I’ll be making more changes soon, but at least there’s finally something up and running on my new server. If you’re seeing this, of course, the DNS has already...
The Gross Factor I used to wonder what the least sexy thing in the world was. And then I read transcripts of Bill O’Reilly having phone sex ....
the value of perspective I don’t know if it’s related to the topic of community behavior, but it’s also probably worth noting that the best political posts I’ve seen tend to be from bl...
ev moves on Congrats to Ev on finishing his tenure at Google . Ev’s work, and the talent of the people he’s had working with him over the past decade, have both been big...
On Vacation So, starting today, I’ll be on vacation for a week or so. While I’m gone, you might want to check out the Six Apart Professional Network , where I do all of m...
On the demise of Watson Dan Woods has a poignant lament about the end of life for his application (and labor of love) Watson. The circumstance is unfortunate, but it would be totall...
Moblog Uber Alles These days, my moblog (called " On the Go ") is better than my text blog. You might want to check it out. All the pictures are taken with my Nokia 7...
Still chugging along I’m still in the process of doing some reworking of my blog here, but if you’re interested in a lot of the blog-tech-related posts I put up on my Daily Links o...
learning from experience One of the things I’ve learned of late is that, despite being a wonderful, generous community of truly warm-hearted people, sometimes the blog world likes noth...
Gmail question Do links detected in messages sent to Gmail accounts affect PageRank? Should they? Does PageRank even matter anymore?...
The Day I Met Dan Bricklin I just found an older post I’d saved as a draft nearly a year ago, and it seems even more relevant now than it was at the time. I have some additional comments...
Moving Forward I’m moving to San Francisco. That probably bears some explanation. As I’m sure all of you know, I work for Six Apart, which is based in the Bay Area, and the...
How I am using Movable Type In answer to Mena’s question regarding Movable Type, asking " How are you using the tool? ", I thought I’d explain a little bit about my personal set...
Blog Songs Having followed a number of weblogs for half a decade now, it’s an appropriate time for me to reflect on the cultural impact they’ve had outside of our insular...
Learning From the Mistakes of Others Since so many people are still out there hunting for jobs in this tough economy, I would like to offer a bit of advice based on an unfortunate situation that I...
Brooklyn (pretty much) Rules [ Ed. Note: Today I’m lucky enough to have Danyel Smith as my guest blogger. Danyel’s a former editor at large for Time Inc. and the former editor-in-chief of...
Do you have a weblog? Many, perhaps most, of the people who read my site have weblogs of their own. So naturally, everyone thinks they know why people blog. But it’s important to re...
Global Feature Request I’d like to see a structured web publishing tool that would let me geoencode Wikipedia entries in the same way that many blogs use GeoURL. Then, I’d want to be...
understood boundaries I spent much of Saturday bumming around with Justin . We ate and walked and took lots of pictures but mostly we talked. And we talked about personal stuff,...
Hair Theory It wasn’t until well after I graduated high school that I started to understand the point of combing my hair. I had somehow gotten the idea that the purpose of...
Compulsion to Blog The compulsion to quote and link is too strong…. Being stuck in an airport last night without connectivity, I found myself ripping the pages out of a print mag...
Got Tix? So, Prince is playing the Fillmore in San Francisco this weekend, two shows, and I need tickets. His online music club is supposed to hook us fans up, but I mi...
Obsolescence of Happenstance There’s a subtle significance to the fact that almost all new forms of identity and communication are tied to individuals. From email to mobile phones to IM to...
Tools Affect Content I keep returning to the concept that software provides an environment for creativity, and that these tools create a context for the content we create within th...
Motion Capture During the month of October, I spent at least two days in each of the following cities: Chicago, Toronto, Barcelona, Nice, and Munich. And in between trips I e...
redesign comments I’d been playing with a redesign concept a few months ago that I never got around to finishing, so I thought I’d put it up for comments from all of you, and...
Checking In Just a quick note to everybody who’s emailed. Thanks for checking in and I’m fine. I wasn’t in Manhattan when the lights went out. Daily links will resume on M...
photo albums rock I never cease being amazed at the sheer beauty of some of the Photo Albums TypePad users are creating. Here’s one of the best yet ....
TypePad's up. And with that, our little system came to life. Good luck, TypePad. 🙂 (I can’t remember the last time something in my career actually gave me butterflies.)...
Four More Years! I guess it shows how busy I’ve been, but I forgot to mention that last week marked the fourth anniversary of this here website. Not counting the Daily Links...
the ubiquity of hacking I’m kind of creeped out by how pervasive the weblog influence is in some circles… I had just hopped on a plane the other morning and was settling in when the g...
typepad beta graphic Another minor milestone for me is the new TypePad beta badges that are popping up. It’s really exciting to see people connecting with each other through the...
off the record Officially, of course, I can’t condone people being TypePad snobs . But off the record, well… I can’t blame ’em. 🙂...
subtle overtures You know, back when AltaVista was a big deal for DEC, I figured it was going to kill Yahoo, since Yahoo only had a directory and AV had full-text indexes of hu...
No Beta For You Okay, seriously folks, you know I love you, but I do not have an in for getting you on the TypePad beta. It’s out of my hands. What I will tell you is that...
opening the kimono Another one of our milestones whizzes by. As of today, TypePad websites are visible to the public. I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks....
posts are the atomic element of weblogs I’m very fortunate to get the chance to go around and talk to people who helped create the tools that have shaped the weblog medium, and so I tend to notice tr...
quick note on the googlebar One of the small pleasures of having one’s own weblog is that it’s easy to add context or background information when you’re quoted in a press story that you f...
bra-optional day It seems, as in years past , an annual summer tradition has returned to Manhattan. No better way to celebrate the end of the Month of Rain than with this sar...
the evolution of retail experience A couple of years ago, I was musing about how miserable an experience it is to trudge around in giant warehouse-style retail outlets with their concrete floo...
this is good boy, i sure don’t understand trackback. what is it with that stupid protocol? you guys should all be fired. when are you going to release a PHP version?...
Intro to Business Blogs If you’re in New York City and you’ve got time tonight, please do come by and check out the Ecommerce SIG ‘s panel discussion on "Intro to Business Blogs...
capitalizing on Gawker's hype At the weblog business conference that I’m at, Liz just said that she and Nick are frequently pitched by media companies that want permanent links on the sideb...
simple pleasures One of the best things about my job is that I get to go to conferences, meet interesting people, and then watch all their wifi-enabled laptops’ screens turn bl...
weblog conference I am off to the weblogs in business conference. I will have to tear some shit up! TypePad gonna whoop ass! Woo! Then, afterwards, I will do my best to underm...
Blogger Bash I’m headed off to the Big Apple Blogger Bash . If you’re in New York City, c’mon by and I’ll see you there....
Digital Cameras Can Cause Blindness I noticed this sign in front of a camera shop here in Manhattan a few weeks ago and remembered to take a picture of it the last time I walked by. "D...
Hazard Pay Even though I’ve got a great job now, not everything is perfect about the gig. For example, I’ve been insisting to anyone who’d listen for the past few months...
I Work for Six Apart A few weeks ago, I had started an entry with the phrase, "Though I work in the weblog industry…" and I had done so mainly as a tongue-in-cheek joke...
Off to Etech I’m off to SF for O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference on Tuesday. I’m going against the grain this year by taking my laptop along, “blogging” in “realtim...
conclusions from the SXSW panel About two weeks ago, I did a panel at SXSW with a couple of friends , and the topic was the future of personal publishing. There were a handful of point...
explaining trackback After noticing that both David and Doc were having trouble understanding TrackBack, I tried to write up a brief explanation, as I understand it, of how the...
well, excuuuse me My, you’re all a sensitive bunch! I wrote a little ha-ha peevish thing yesterday and now everyone thinks I’m mad. This is what I do for fun , kids. Since ever...
Panda Joke IV! Well, if it’s time for me to be away at SXSW again, then that must mean I make up for my lack of updates by reposting the Panda Joke for the fourth (!) year...
buying into blogs Go take a look at Project Blogger . It’s a service being run by Richards Interactive , designed for marketing products by weblogs and to webloggers. They wer...
maybe it's not just hype Though I work in the weblog industry and preach the gospel all day, I realize that this new medium isn’t really a utopia. Indeed, it’s just new. But there are...
IMAP weblog interface Has anyone created an IMAP view for weblog posts yet? What about an IMAP-to-metaweblogAPI plugin? I want the option of seeing my posts in a standard IMAP clien...
Google API terms If you’re using a Google API with your weblog system, like the MTGoogleSearch tags for Movable Type or for Radio Userland, you might wish...
WSJ = POS DID YOU KNOW? One of the easiest ways to tell just how bad the Wall Street Journal sucks as a newspaper is because, despite its name, it reads like it was wr...
Hammer Breaks 'em Off Something Proper Back in the mid-90s, as those of you who’ve seen "Behind the Music" will recall, M.C. Hammer went through a short phase where he was signed to Death...
KICK! Returns Well, it’s that time of year again, and late winter can only mean one thing: The impending return of the KICK! kickball game , the unofficial start to the SXS...
Google, Pyra, etc. I should probably clarify some points. I’ve been linked to a lot as the requisite naysayer voice about the Google/Pyra deal, and that wasn’t my intention in my...
daily links stats Prompted by some questions that people have asked me, I thought I’d throw out some statistics about my daily links . I’ve been doing them for about five month...
Six Apart buys a fax machine It seems like the next big piece of weblog news is going to be about Six Apart buying a fax machine . Though I guess they’re to be commended for their brave s...
beyond power laws There’s been an awful lot of talk about power laws and weblogs recently, complete with charts and graphs, and, if I’m not mistaken, some sort of calculus i... This is stupid. A while back, it was discovered that the U.S. government’s registration site for .mil domain names was wide open , making it possible for anyo...
hip hop makes you understand fair use I don’t think it’s coincidence that most of the people who don’t understand the drive to protect rights of fair use and to limit the absue of copyright aren’t...
diamonds are for never So, we all know that diamonds are intrinsically worthless stones whose popularity and value are a recent creation, the result of a concerted marketing efffort...
bogus blabbing about AOL blogging Don’t be suckered in by the non-news of the CBS MarketWatch story on AOL providing weblogs to its users. This is a rehash of the weeks-old Rick Robinson int...
CNET Radio Hello, CNET Radio listeners. If you’re just learning about weblogs, you might be interested to read some recommendations I made a while back. Otherwise, ju...
syndication formats? I have a radical proposal for a ubiqitous content syndication format, applicable for almost any purpose, but extremely well suited for weblogs. It’s extremely...
shadow government hijinks Since I work at a newspaper, I try to scan the headlines from time to time to find stories that are newsworthy enough for us to link to. Every once in a while,...
419 copy editing I would think there’s some money for unemployed writers in proofing the text of the Nigerian 419 scams. Given how they’re so incomprehensible right now, better...
Brad is why I believe in weblogs I’ve been asked a lot, recently, to comment on the value of weblogs and to explain why I evangelize them as a communication tool. I tend to focus on the litera...
return of the crazy person Someone’s been spamming comment forms on weblogs with an Amazon affiliate link to Meg, Matt and Paul’s book, " We Blog ". You can see examples here...
magazine: Microsoft's Weblog Software Just in time for a Halloween scare, a new piece in magazine , Microsoft’s Weblog Software . Your feedback is welcomed....
blogger gets hacked Post-Hack Update Blogger’s completely back up , including bStats and the API. It seems (again, I don’t work for Pyra, but I’ve had information confirmed by...
what's new with what's true Hey, everyone, it’s my last post on all this foolishness . I’d like to get back to the fun stuff. First, a tremendous thank you to everyone who’s emailed, lin...
manhattan math There’s a unique character to kids who live in Manhattan, something that distinguishes them, beyond the obvious images of necks craned upwards at impossibly ta...
Introducing Magazine A scant three months later than I intended, today I launch my newest project: magazine . It’s an idea that I’ve been refining for almost a year, but I didn’...
punditarians There’s a few things we’ve been too polite to point out to you, but it’s time to set a few things straight. I would like you to know that idiotarian is not a...
cheap CD-Rs Naturally, I’ve got a couple of blank CD-RWs lying around, but I only like to use CD-Rs. So let’s make it interesting: everybody post the cheapest price (you c...
Movable Type's First Anniversary Congratulations to Ben and Mena on Movable Type ‘s one year anniversary and the release of MT 2.5. Amazing that they’ve gone in one year from launching a...
more Actual Emails We get the best random emails to the webmaster account at work. Today’s: Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 5:49 PM To: Webmaster Subject: comment I p...
some commendations I thought it might be nice to take some time to commend some personal websites that I enjoy. I put categories on them for the sake of simplicity. This is just...
it defies reason One wouldn’t think it possible, but today, someone we know discovered CSS’s a:hover class, which lets you change the color of a link, or worse, its background,...
bloody diamonds Given what we know about the criminality of many of those involved in the worldwide diamond market, can we start throwing red paint on people wearing diamonds?...
gizmodo launches Nick ‘s finally announced Gizmodo , a geek-toy weblog written by Peter Rojas. And, yeah, Pete’s getting paid to do it. I’ve been watching the content evolve...
UT blogs A Network World story entitled Blogs finding fans in business world alleges that Phillip Windley, Utah’s state CIO, is testing weblogs in a business environm...
gold box splash screen Amazon’s Gold Box seems to have a new splash screen explaining the concept. Might be time to start a Gold Box blog. Is there a weblog for Amazon developments...
Traction: Enterprise blogging The wily folks at Traction have positioned their new enterprise content management system as weblog software. I’m a strong believer that weblogs are a natura...
Blogging for Dollars Meg makes the arugment in Blogging for Dollars that the weblog world needs professionally paid webloggers in order to advance past the labor-of-love ghetto:...
assists I’m redoing my about page, and I’ll be adding a reference to some of the sites where I’ve helped people with standards compliance or style sheets. I haven’t...
movable type survey Ben and Mena are doing a survey of Movable Type users to get information about how they use the system and how many there are....
Trellix blogging app Trellix’s deal with Pyra has finally borne fruit . I posted a summary and analysis over on BlogRoots, and I’ll follow up with some opinion later....