Cook These Two Things You should absolutely keep some ketchup around the house. And soy sauce, and Sriracha, and a good BBQ sauce. And some honey. But if you really want to add fl...
I went to a coffee shop. [cw: violence] I just wanted to capture this story here once so I don't have to tell it to anyone again. Because, while I am okay now, it is unpleasant to keep...
Every Day, A Little Better [ CW: mental illness, self-harm ] When my depression was at its worst, it felt almost like a constant, physical pain. Getting away from that crushing weight...
Launch Five years ago today I witnessed the most transcendent moment of my life. I don’t have a faith or a religion, so I’m often reluctant to describe things as “t...
Water for Gambhariganda For my birthday a while back, some of you may remember I asked you all to contribute to a project to build wells to bring clean water to a village in our famil...
Beyond Doing Half the Parenting Doing my fair share for my son means I have to start carrying my weight in other areas at home. Growing up as an Indian-American son, in a family-oriented cu...
Nope I’m a normal guy. I don’t drink alcohol. I don’t smoke cigarettes. I don’t do any illegal drugs. I don’t drink coffee. I never graduated from college. I’ve...
Not a "Good Guy" If you’ve ever had someone say something nice about a thing you made, you know how great it feels. It’s a combination of validation, and respect, and recogniti...
Bad Dad Even though I’ve been having a lot of conversations recently about being a dad , the truth is that on any given day what keeps me up at night is the things I’...
Circles Today I went to MSNBC to tape an appearance on Maria Teresa Kumar’s new “Changing America” , part of the Shift lineup of shows that the network is trying out....
Beyond the Tyranny of Dad Tweets Much of my presence on social media, especially on Twitter, is predicated on the foilbes of parenthood. “Dad Tweets” are a venerable staple of the medium, as f...
Mo' JOMO It’s always nice when an idea has a little bit of staying power. A few weeks ago, Yahoo Health featured a piece about 8 Ways to Embrace JOMO , a reference to...
Being Less of a Jerk About Faith One of my recurrent ruminations of the last decade or so is a bit of reflection on my relationship with religion. To be clear: I don’t have one. I know there a...
Rat On The Tracks My wife , in addition to being wise and kind, is generally made of sterner stuff than I am. This serves us both well, but the contrast does serve to elucidate...
Let's Meet! Or, How To Pursue Serendipity One of the things I love most is meeting new people who are outside of the usual circles that I travel in, who can teach me about things that I’d never learn a...
A Little Bit of Control When I used to fly a lot, people would ask me why I was such a big fan of Virgin America. Some of it is the usual stuff — they have wifi and power outlets, and...
Water and Giving: Leaving a Mark Give $37 to build one village its well. Let’s go! » When I was a kid, I used to go and visit my cousins, just like you probably did. We’d play pickup gam...
JOMO! My brilliant friend Caterina Fake wrote about the Fear of Missing Out last year, and the FOMO meme took instant hold amongst those of us who love the digital...
Thank You, Andy Andy Rooney died last night. I find myself crestfallen about this because I’d spent the last few years trying, off and on, to get in touch with him for the cha...
Baby Boot Camp In the months since my son was born , I’ve struggled mightily with resisting the urge to unleash the mommyblogger that’s been lurking in my heart lo these man...
TMI: Fear, Fukushima and Facts Thirty-two years ago today, I noticed that things were odd at our pre-school. The teachers had drawn the blinds closed in a few rooms and at least one of the o...
Malcolm Browne Dash Please meet Malcolm Browne Dash. He’s my son, born February 9th weighing in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces. The days (and yes, the nights ) over this last week...
Remembering Brad L. Graham I don’t believe in life insurance. When I die, I want it to be a bad day for everybody. – Brad L. Graham, February 2002 My friend Brad L. Graham died une...