The New Alt Media and the Future of Publishing You might have noticed, it’s not a super fun time to be in the publishing industry, especially if you’re trying to do journalism. The years-long drumbeat of ba...
One Simple Trick Worked to Improve Headlines, and You Won't Believe What Happened Next Upworthy is barely over two years old, and it’s among the top 50 most visited sites in the United States. But its perception among the self-involved media disc...
What Medium Is First, some disclaimers: I’m writing this as I sit a few feet away from Medium’s NYC team. (I even asked them for tech support while writing this!) Ev Williams...
The Daily Opportunity Index Every single day, almost every mainstream news source in America offers live updates throughout the day on a few metrics which have almost no meaning for most...
Beacon of Bloviation and Links Oh, there’s been lots of chatter on the Internet this week! Where all did our conversations show up? Well, I’ll tell you. Pegged to the release of Jessica...
Country Clubs and Deliberate Design I was very happy to see this morning that Fred Wilson had shared his thoughts on inclusivity , building off of my earlier post You Can’t Start the Revolution...
Temple of Ego and Links Oh, hello there! I didn’t see you come in. Well, as long as you’re here, let’s look at some links around the web that I’ve found to be related to what we’ve be...
You Can't Start the Revolution from the Country Club The current fashion amongst alpha geeks is to reinvent many of the building blocks of the social web. Given that I’ve been obsessed with that particular inters...
More on Streams vs. Pages Lots of nice responses to my plea to stop publishing web pages yesterday! Here’s some highlights: Dave Winer said I should credit him for a lot of the id...
Stop Publishing Web Pages Most users on the web spend most of their time in apps. The most popular of those apps, like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Tumblr and others, are primarily focused...
The first ten years of blogging are the hardest Congrats to Matt Mullenweg on ten years of blogging . I say it half-jokingly every time someone I know observes the decade anniversary of their blogging, but...
Why you can't trust tech press to teach you about the tech industry If there were one lesson I’d want to impress upon people who are interested in succeeding in the technology industry, it would be, as I’ve said before, know y...
We Have To Make The Web We Want On Sunday, I interviewed Nick Denton at SXSW about Gawker Media, commenting culture on the web, and a good bit of the history of professional blogging. In ad...
The Right Wing's $7 Billion Media Subsidy Considering how much conservatives and right-wing political personalities in the United States claim to hate the liberal media, it’s remarkable how much money...
Thank You, Andy Andy Rooney died last night. I find myself crestfallen about this because I’d spent the last few years trying, off and on, to get in touch with him for the cha...
If You Blogged It, It Did Happen At the beginning of this year, I wrote a piece called if you didn’t blog it, it didn’t happen , about how your thoughts, ideas and conversations need a place...
Heroes of the Web Great news for the web today, some of the smartest folks I know are doing what they do best: Making the web better. Take Paul Ford’s thoughts on “ Why Wasn...
If You Didn't Blog It, It Didn't Happen Clive Thompson’s newest Wired piece argues that the flow of short-form messages as we see on Twitter and Facebook is encouraging longer meditations in other...
Gawker Is A Blog. Just Like Twitter. I love blogs. Nick Denton wrote over on Lifehacker about the pending redesign of Gawker’s blogs, with a lot of great insights into the leading edge of web pu...
Your Twitter Ranking Article Is Wrong Here are some articles that have recently gotten attention amongst media obsessives. They are all fundamentally flawed: A list of the Top 25 newspapers on...
Job Requirements From the list of “things I thought I’d never see”, Karl Pearson-Cater (he and I were colleagues about a decade ago) posted a great job listing at MinnPost, w...
Fat Pages Today, in a Wired interview about Instapaper , Marco Arment offered up: “People love information,” Arment said. “Right now in our society, we have an ob...
Call and Response As ever, the best thing about blogging is the conversations it kicks off. Some nice responses to recent posts here and around the web: In a follow-up to...
Your Whole Life In One Tweet There’s an odd tendency in web culture to see all features as obvious, even inevitable. While most of the artifacts of our computing experience have been inven...
My Media, It Is So Rich In my blog here, I’m mostly a textual dude. I’ve made a few little video clips or animated .gifs over the years, but basically, I’m a writer. But today, today!...
Gourmet Live and Rewarding Experiences The short version: Gourmet Live, the new iPad app that reimagines Gourmet as a sort of massively multiplayer magazine, is live. I’ve been working on this for t...
Getting Activated Even more fun news! Today, I’m thrilled to announce the other big project I’ve been working on: Activate . It’s a new consultancy, founded by Michael Wolf (...
Free Publicity: Who do we help? I’m not a Democrat; I don’t much care about the scorekeeping of who has more seats in any given chamber of Congress. But I do think there are things that need...
All Over The Web Just a quick roundup of some recent conversations I’ve been having around the web: Fast Company interviewed me about applying the lessons of Web 2.0 to go...
All Paper, No News People who are into journalism and newspapers and the web and the death of print have been all a-twitter over the NY Times story today about the triCityNews...
Mainstream Media is Really Hard In his post this weekend , Rex Sorgatz points out that “mainstream media is hard”. It’s a truth I know firsthand — I used to work both in the music industry a...
iZines, not eBooks I’ve been wanting a portable magazine reader device for ages (everyone focuses on ebooks, but my attention span is too short) so I have to point out Texterity...
A Moral Problem From eWeek’s “Upcoming” section, which I’d praised a few weeks ago , comes this interview with Java creator James Gosling . The key quote, for me: Of Goo...
Free the Times The New York Times is removing the payment barrier from its TimesSelect content. Hooray! I pundified* incorrectly about this two years ago when they laun...
A History of Blog Book Tours I’d intended to post a correction to this NY Times story’s recounting of the history of blog book tours, but was pleased to see that my friend, and intermitt...
Zombie Media Research I hate the abbreviation “MSM”. It’s almost always used by those who are lacking in perspective. We’re all either too lazy to actually differentiate between the...
Blogging For A Living One of my favorite parts of my job is getting to write posts for some of our dozens of company-run blogs. I’m particularly pleased with two that went up today:...
Debating a Bubble Another great Wall Street Journal online debate: Is ‘Web 2.0’ Another Bubble? David Hornik and Todd Dagres’ excellent back-and-forth was unfortunately oversh...
The Corporate Blogging Show It’s almost like all I do is talk about blogging all day. Debbie Weil hosts the Corporate Blogging show on VoiceAmerica’s business channel, and the other day w...
News is an Application In case it isn’t obvious enough by now, contemporary newspapers should be thinking of information presentation in the context of applications, not just as docu...
How to kill a personality About a month ago, Fortune ‘s Jeffrey O’Brien interviewed Seagate CEO Bill Watkins , and pulled the conversation’s most memorable quote for the headline: “Le...
Surprises Abound I don’t know exactly what the significance of this realization is to me, but I thought I’d share. The debate between Robert Scoble and Dave Winer about Micro...