Review: The Elements of User Experience The Elements of User Experience is not just the first book to list all of the related skills and disciplines involved in the creation of web sites, but to cr...
Introducing the Microcontent Client Microcontent is information published in short form, with its length dictated by the constraint of a single main topic and by the physical and technical limita...
Microsoft's Weblog Software Picture the following scenario: Microsoft has created a weblog tool that is designed to run inside the firewall at a company. It’s browser-accessible from any...
Introducing Magazine A scant three months later than I intended, today I launch my newest project: magazine . It’s an idea that I’ve been refining for almost a year, but I didn’...
Why Tablet PCs Will Succeed Microsoft’s been promoting its Tablet PC s for about a year now. Despite all the claims, they’re more evolutionary than revolutionary, of course. But that’s t...
The Once and Future King Understand this: I am an unapologetic Michael Jackson apologist. I was that guy, the one still holding on to hope. Michael Jackson has had a third child, app...
Stories and Tools The current world wide web consists almost entirely of pages that are either stories or tools. A few ambitious sites combine these two types of web pages in va...
Sense of Direction So it’s not something I guess I should say right now, but I never liked those towers. Their only purpose, I said, was to help orient oneself when getting out a...