Feminism, Corruption, Privacy, Remix Here's Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (sampled in @Beyonce 's "Flawless") offering the truth: we should all be feminists. http://t.co/uZekGPQEcL...
Apartheid, Impostors, Toto, Sending, Collection, Biden Here's @jbouie on how conservative desire to keep doing business in South Africa would have failed to undo Apartheid: http://t.co/HOkHYQM9kN — a...
Embrace, Fellowship, Charity, Keyboards, Questlove, Here's evidence of Microsoft returning to its "Import, Embrace & Extend" roots in consumer apps, with Outlook: http://t.co/PZv3wuTdo3 &mda...
Smarter, Albums, Pimp, Upworthy Here's @pomeranian99 's "Smarter Than You Think", offering perspective on tech while justifying our time spent online: http://t.co/R9Fk...
Medium, Beyoncé, Surveillance, Newt Here's "What I'm Reading on Medium", a @medium collection that's exactly what it sounds like. You may want to follow! http://t.co/...
Derby, Mario, Mike, Feed, Gravity Here's a fun registry of derby names that lets you see if your roller derby name is unique: http://t.co/ZU0TAxNN4O — anildash (@anildash) Dece...
3D, Audiences, Drupal, Tumblrs, Structure Here's an extraordinary first-person from [@BurningNorth](https://twitter.com/BurningNorth) about seeing 3D for the first time, thanks to Nintendo: [http:/...
Call and Response Lots of nice writing out there that either replies to or references some recent posts here. Highlights: Dictatorship Versus Democracy in app store politi...
Call and Response As ever, the best thing about blogging is the conversations it kicks off. Some nice responses to recent posts here and around the web: In a follow-up to...
Upgrades Some great responses to, and extensions of, the things I’ve been writing about lately In response to Forking Is A Feature , Rafe Colburn offers up The cu...
Hospitality and Process There are some links I just keep finding myself sending around to friends and coworkers. Hmm, isn’t that what a blog is for? From back in April, a look at...
Here's What's Up When there’s no time for original content, we link! These are the places I’ve popped up lately, or things that caught my eye: We published our initial res...
Little Guys Care One of the nice things about independent web entrepreneurs is that they (we?) can draw contrasts against those who are giant publicly-traded faceless corporati...
The Internet Is Where The Truth Is The exact thing you are looking for is out there on the Internet, if you just know where to look. So here are some hints. Making the connection between Gi...
Well-Spoken Links Okay, these are the links you should be reading on the Internet today. A smart diagram is the new clever writing : LeisureArts charts out my favorite snow...
Places to Go These are the things you ought to look at today: Real Empires Ship . I could link to Paul Ford’s Ftrain every day and never tire of it. The Romans w...
Links and Stuff Now, I will outline a series of hypertext links, offer brief descriptions of the content to be found at those sites, explain why you might want to visit, and t...
More Linking, Less Thinking I’ve been ruminating about radio a lot lately (more on that later), but one of the most pleasant radio discoveries of late has been XM Radio’s 80s and 90...
This is what you should read on the web So maybe Gracenote (formerly CDDB) isn’t evil after all ? I love anything that challenges the conventional wisdom, especially when someone’s gotten a bad...
Sexy: Links. Unsexy: Schadenfreude “ Two of the most financially successful Web 2.0 personalities … are rooting for the financial failure of their competitors. ” Hmm. I tend to root for the su...
Alright, Kids. You want links? You got links. Seth Stevenson defends the word “sucks” in Slate. This seems relevant to me because my keynote at the O’Reilly Open So...
Love and Hate Links Divebars. Jukeboxes. Allen Iverson. Beerball. Super Mario Kart. NetFlix. LiveFuckingJournal. The way my girl looks in that skirt. Everything great abou...