Speaking at the Obama Foundation Summit I’ve been fortunate enough to get to speak at a lot of events over the years, in front of an amazing variety of audiences around the world. But I can honestly...
Conduct Becoming Tomorrow I’m speaking at the 99U Conference , which I’m really looking forward to. But one of the reasons I’m already convinced it’s going to be a special eve...
XOXO and Reckoning With Nice This year’s XOXO festival exceeded its predecessor in every way. It was bigger, smarter, more challenging, more engaging and easily among the best conference...
XOXO: Yancey Strickler - Kickstarter Yancey Strickler is co-founder of Kickstarter, the world’s largest funding platform for creative projects. The Details Yancey Strickler Projects:...
XOXO: Maggie Vail and Jesse Von Doom - CASH Music Maggie Vail and Jesse Von Doom are the executive directors and cofounders of CASH Music, an open-source toolkit for helping independent musicians support thems...
XOXO: Josh Reich - Simple Josh Reich is the CEO and co-founder of Simple, which was created to radically improve the experience of consumer banking. The Details Josh Reich C...
XOXO: Jen Bekman - 20x200 Jen Bekman is the founder and CEO of 20×200, a marketplace helping artists make a living by turning everyone into an art collector. The Details Jen Bekman...
XOXO: Jamie Wilkinson - VHX Jamie Wilkinson is co-founder of VHX, a new streaming video platform helping filmmakers bypass the studio system to distribute DRM-free films directly to fans....
XOXO: Evan Ratliff - The Atavist Evan Ratliff is a Wired journalist who became a startup founder, creating The Atavist to help longform writers profit from their own work instead of selling it...
XOXO: Chris Poole - 4chan and Canvas Chris Poole is founder of two of the Internet’s most creative communities, the notorious 4chan, and Canvas, its playful image remixing cousin. The Details...
XOXO: Chad Dickerson - Etsy Chad Dickerson is the CEO and former CTO of Etsy, the world’s largest marketplace of handmade art and vintage finds. The Details Chad Dickerson Com...
XOXO: Adam Savage - Mythbusters and Tested Adam Savage is an obsessive model maker, passionate defender of maker culture, and the co-host of Mythbusters and Tested. The Details Adam Savage P...
XOXO: Ron Carmel - World of Goo and Indie Fund Ron Carmel is the co-founder of 2D Boy (which created World of Goo), and partner at Indie Fund. He’s being interviewed by Jamin Warren, founder of Kill Screen...
XOXO: R. Stevens - Diesel Sweeties Richard Stevens has been making Diesel Sweeties for 12 years, pioneering webcomics, experimenting with newspaper syndication, merchandising,crowdfunding and ba...
XOXO: Matt Haughey - MetaFilter Matt Haughey’s the founder of MetaFilter, one of the web’s longest-running and most respected web communities, and its popular Q&A section, Ask MetaFilter....
XOXO: Lisanne Pajot & James Swirsky - Indie Game: The Movie Swirsky and Pajot are the directors of the Sundance-award winning documentary tracking the agony of indie game development. Interviewed by filmmaker Jason Scot...
XOXO: Julia Nunes Julia Nunes started recording ukulele covers in her dorm room for her friends at home eventually led to 50 million YouTube views, four self-published albums, a...
XOXO JOMO! Live-blogging the conference So, we’re going old school: I’m going to live-blog the XOXO conference! But not like “Hey I’m a writer for The Verge obsessing over an Apple keynote!” or “I’m...
XOXO: Emily Winfield Martin - Black Apple The Details Emily Winfield Martin is the top seller of handmade art on Etsy, selling her dolls and illustrations and helping her fulfill her dream of creatin...
XOXO: Dan Provost & Tom Gerhardt - Studio Neat Studio Neat’s first product was the Glif, an iPhone kickstand. And their second success was the Cosmonaut, a stylus for iPhone. These were followed by Frameogr...
XOXO: Dan Harmon - Community Dan Harmon is the Emmy-winning writer, former executive producer of Community, co-founder of Channel 101, and executive producer of Charlie Kaufman’s Anomalisa...
XOXO: Bre Pettis - Makerbot Bre Pettis is the co-founder and CEO of Makerbot, the first company to bring 3D printers to the home, and Thingiverse, the online community for sharing digital...
Networks, Tools and Algorithms A few months ago, I had the chance to speak at the Good Experience Live conference. Gel’s been one of my favorite events for years; I’ve attended most Gels s...
My Media, It Is So Rich In my blog here, I’m mostly a textual dude. I’ve made a few little video clips or animated .gifs over the years, but basically, I’m a writer. But today, today!...
Three Weeks in Three Videos Been busy running around doing a bunch of fun stuff lately; Here’s some videos with highlights! The Personal Democracy Forum invited me to talk about what...
Here's What's Up When there’s no time for original content, we link! These are the places I’ve popped up lately, or things that caught my eye: We published our initial res...
Out and About (Again!) Just a few weeks ago I made a list of some places that I’m speaking or appearing in the coming weeks and months, and here’s an update on a few of those. I ho...
Out and About I’m doing a number of presentations and public appearances over the next several weeks, here’s a quick chronological overview if you’d like to meet up. The...
Meet up at PodCamp? Are you in New York for the PodCamp NYC conference ? Well, I’ll be there representing Six Apart and if you’re podcasting with Movable Type, TypePad, LiveJourn...
Vancouver-Bound! This weekend, I’m making my first trip to Vancouver (and my first trip to Canada in over 3 years) to speak at the Northern Voice 2007 blogging conference. I’...
A Blogger Summit Last night, I had the chance to attend the WNBC New York City Bloggers’ Summit . I’ve got a lot of different opinions on the event, some positive and some mor...
Speaking to Grantmakers This morning, I had the opportunity to speak to the Northern California Grantmakers’ meeting , which was a fantastic chance for me to speak to a group of peop...
Office 2.0 Conference As part of all-Office day, I should mention that I’ll be speaking at the Office 2.0 Conference on October 11-12 here in San Francisco. If you know me, yo...
GEL writeup Just wanted to leave myself a placeholder about the exceptional Gel Conference I attended today. Haven’t had a chance to write up my notes yet, (I’m so used...