How I got pitched by Anna Delvey Many people will be familiar with Anna Sorokin, also known as Anna Delvey, who was one of the most high-profile of the wave of hipster grifters during the 2010...
That goddamn mug I find myself often having to explain to people how our reaction to certain events or actions depends a lot on the existing context where we were relating to s...
I am the answer to the Single Puzzle. It's happened again ! I'm an answer in today's Daily Crossword Puzzle over at Vulture, called The Single Puzzle This is thanks (once more) to Malaika Hand...
I am the answer to the Rites of Spring Puzzle Somehow, improbably, I am again referenced in a crossword puzzle , this time it was the Sunday Boston Globe from back on April 17th. This time, I have Joon...
I am the answer to The Sexual Tension Puzzle Listen, I'm not the one making this assertion. It's Vulture's daily 10x10 crossword puzzle for May 17th, entitled "The Sexual Tension Puzzle", in w...
It is miraculous. Sometimes I get an idea in my head and I just can’t let it go. For a few months, I’ve heard this nagging sound in the back of my mind, asking me to revisit Am...
Comedy Hack Day! I was incredibly honored to asked by the team at Cultivated Wit to be a judge for the latest Comedy Hack Day . (Thus becoming the first-ever returning judge!)...
Peak Dad Twitter Hot on the heels of Vanity Fair referencing my dad-ness on Twitter comes this Daily Dot piece examining Dad Twitter . I loved this part: If that sounds...
(Twitter) Famous! What a delight to be interviewed by Bijan Stephens for Vanity Fair , especially as so much of the focus was on me as a dad and a person, rather than just the...
Fuck Smores Graham Crackers were created to stifle the libido. Marshmallows are a sickly-sweet, cloying blob that, when properly heated, becomes a sort of confectionery na...
Some True Things About Technology All printers are 3D printers. Every device is wearable. All technology is mobile technology. And of course, this remains true: We're 30+ years int...
The Fake Electronics Show I forgot to mention it back in January when it happened, but I got to write my first piece for Businessweek, and there’s good news: It’s completely made up! I...
Shushers: Wrong about movies. Wrong about the world. There’s been a delightful debate the last few days about how to accommodate the increasing number of people who want the experience of watching movies in publi...
Apple Special Event Liveblog Anil: Just getting ready to liveblog this event. My first Apple liveblog ever. Pretty excited. 10/23/2012 4:56:26 PM Anil: Tim Coo...
Beacon of Bloviation and Links Oh, there’s been lots of chatter on the Internet this week! Where all did our conversations show up? Well, I’ll tell you. Pegged to the release of Jessica...
Temple of Ego and Links Oh, hello there! I didn’t see you come in. Well, as long as you’re here, let’s look at some links around the web that I’ve found to be related to what we’ve be...
Animated GIFs Triumphant “ If you can make it here… “, Jamie Beck, 2011 It’s been 84 years since talkies began their march towards dominance over silent film. But while 1.3 billion...
Pen Nerds and Finding Better Tools While I’ve always liked doing a lot of my notes and writing with pen and ink, I’ve never been particularly well-versed in the latest innovations and trends in...
Job Requirements From the list of “things I thought I’d never see”, Karl Pearson-Cater (he and I were colleagues about a decade ago) posted a great job listing at MinnPost, w...
And Then There's Us Starting last week, New York Magazine asked me to participate in a roundtable conversation with NYMag’s book critic Sam Anderson, Improv Everywhere...
My New Face I regularly use about a dozen different social web services, with dozens more that I have accounts on. Historically, I’ve used one of a very small number of ph...
What was that about lists? I forgot to mention one point when I was blathering about lists earlier this week: The easiest way to get on them is by asserting, truthfully or not, that yo...
The KLF Burn A Million Quid I’ve been a fan of The KLF since I was a teenager, and just last week was reminded of one of their most amazing stunts. This is just the first of a five-part v...
Auto-Tune Goes Legit Dedicated readers will recall me obsessing over and over-analyzing Auto-Tune in pop music earlier this year. It is, then, my pleasure to report that, than...
All Aboard the Snoop Train! As I had guessed, I’ve already had someone threaten to unsubscribe from my blog due to the publication of this week’s Snoop Dogg research. But I’ve had twice...
When Auto-Tune Strikes Beginning with our exploration of Snoop Dogg’s “Sensual Seduction”, we wandered into the history of vocoders, talkboxes, and the most nefarious of voice manipu...
Snoop Dogg can see the future Now that his single Sensual Seduction (a.k.a. Sexual Eruption) is in the Top 10, it’s official: Snoop Dogg can see the future. First, let’s pause to watch the...
Serious LOLs: Come to ROFLCon From lolcats to goatse to the Zidane headbutt , I’ve been at least tenuously linked to some of the web’s most notable and notorious memes. Naturally, when...
What a Relief! Tom Patterson , of the U.S. National Park Service, wrote a great paper five years ago on improved realism in NPS maps . There’s some very insightful analysis...
The Family of Languages From the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language has a delightful family tree of Indo-European languages , though I was kinda miffed at the o...
Et Tu, Spock? Maybe I’m just a pushover, but I felt like there was something very charming and sweet about this video of a school project that I found on YouTube. It’s a res...
Office Tools of Expression One of my favorite posts that I’ve ever written was Excel Pile , about people’s propensity for using Office tools like Microsoft Excel to track mundane parts...
Star Wars Asciimation Okay, sorry about all that silliness yesterday, we now return to serious, useful, and relevant content. Exhibit A: This incredible work of art , courtesy of...