Why should you trust me about video games? Because even Forbes magazine knows I am an expert on toys that are designed for six-year-old Japanese girls.
George sent word of two new Prince-themed mixtapes mentioned over on Fader. I should get around to listening to and reviewing those… well, probably not any time soon.
Writing about music makes me miss when I used to do more of that on my different blogs. Like the time I saw Justin Timberlake live a couple years ago. Yeah, go ahead and laugh — I had fun that night and your broke ass was sitting home and you know it.
Was nice of the 37signals crew to note that I’d contributed an idea on the Basecamp logo. I’d forgotten about that conversation, but the other thing I liked about the little mountain is it looked kind of like a chart showing an upward trend over time. Neat.
Sometimes people ask how I can stand going out and trying to leave comments on half the blogs in the blogosphere every day, especially when people sometimes just like to bitch for the sake of bitching. Well, the answer to how I can do it is because sometimes people are amazingly thoughtful and kind. I told you it’s good to have friends.
The digg blog’s post on ads on digg was the best thing I’ve seen since Brad’s explanation of why people can choose to have ads on their LiveJournals now. It’s not merely that they’re explaining the benefits well; It’s more that you can see a thoughtful person in the process of evolving their thinking on the utility of marketing or advertising in our culture. As a recovering Adbuster-zealot type myself, I like anybody who embraces moderation instead of extremism. Really, I feel that way about almost everything.
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